Maincoat Products


RAVAX AC P, based on chlorinated rubber, dries quickly and provides effective protection against corrosion and good adhesion between the film as well as to shop primers and subsequent coats. It also possesses sea water resistance and shows good adhesion to subsequent coats even after prolonged weathering.

Type : Chlorinated rubber anti – corrosive paint

Recommended Use: Primer / binder coat for anti-fouling such as Sea Grandprix & Seatender series and like systems chlorinated rubber system on steel ship’s hull.

For more info pls. email


Ravax AC-P | Silvax SQ-HS | Hiper AC





Main Office:
Warehouse #5 Piscor Compound,
Amang Rodriguez Avenue,
Manggahan Pasig City,
Tel.: 641-9951 to 53
Telefax: 641-9863